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Trumpstyle said:

You must have missed my previous comment to Drohler, you have 12 gddr6 sticks. 8 of them are 1GB Vram and 4 of them are 2GB Vram, this gives 16GB of vram. 12 sticks x 32 = 384-bit bus, it's CLEAN. You then run them in FLEX MODE, 12GB Vram full speed for games, 4GB slow speed for OS.

Of course I know what flex mode is. For a console, it's not CLEAN, it would be a kludge at best.

A SoC with six gddr6 controllers (=384bits) is expensive, a lot more than a chip with four or five controllers. Gddr6 controllers are not cheap when it comes to die area and power consumption. As an engineer, you want to get away with the fewest needed to do the job.

With 16GBit gddr6 parts, four controllers give you 16GByte, five controllers give you 20GByte, six give you 24GByte ram (all full speed at all times). You are suggesting that MS builds a very expensive six controller system with only 16Gbyte ram (not at full speed all times), while a significantly cheaper five controller system would give them 20GBytes, 25% more ram (at full speed any access). I don't think MS engineers/beancounters are anywhere near that dumb.