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Pff looks like it's over, Anaconda > PS5
PS5 is 40CU clocked at 2ghz as oberon leak suggested (10,2TF).
Lockhart 4TF (18CU, 1,8ghz)
Anaconda 12TF (52CU, 1,8ghz)

It's over, this leak that I thought was 100% accurate turned out to be almost correct except for PS5. (leaked jan this year)

I might edit my post, but looks like it's over, just wanted to do a quick post.

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode

Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.

1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!