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JRPGfan said:
Bandorr said:

So weird.  Why show it at a gaming conference if your target is hospitals? Plus I know they invited people to come try it out. Like JesseCox got to try it. Apparently it was awful. Not designed for glasses, and it had no view for the side so you just saw blackness out of the corners of your eyes.

I guess that answers that question though of it was meant to ever compete with VR.

They needed good PR about something?
And they had been designing this thing for ages and wanted some way to show it off, even if that wasnt what it was buildt for?

The sales target would still be professionals and hospitals, even if it was at a gaming conference.
Why was it there? to make it easier to sell to those professionals + hospitals.

If it gave xbox users, false hope that they could get that instead of VR even better.
As they had backtracked on VR at that point (saying it would no longer be comeing to xbox one x).

So it fixed 2 issues for them.

I remember xbox users going "who cares about VR, we re getting AR soon baby!" "AR is the future, VR is not going anywhere" ect.
it fooled the xbox user base (since then xbox users arnt bitching about getting VR anymore, even if it was promised to them).

Phil seems to get away with breaking alot of promises tbh, without it seemingly hurting his popularity amoung xbox fans.

Because by and large, these “Xbox fans” you’re referencing don’t care about this stuff you claim they were “promised”. Logically, “Xbox fans” not caring about something they were “promised” is a pretty good reason for it to not happen. A lot of non-Xbox fans seem to track “promises” and care more about them than actual Xbox users. For example, you claim “Xbox users” were all about AR. I don’t remember or know of anyone who gave a shit about AR and was shilling for it over VR.