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deskpro2k3 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

1. I have seen dozens of people still do it again and again in Youtube, Neogaf and Resetera. Clearly they despise the idea of breaking the original story into multi parts

2. Those plot holes could be solved by some addition of the background stories, just some add-on side stories for example, easy peasy

1. Those people from youtube, neogaf, and resetera just want a cheap condense upgrade, because they fail to understand the full scale of the game. Remember FF7 has an entire world map with over a dozen towns, dungeons, small scattered islands, mountainous areas, forest, open fields, and even under water locations. If Square Enix want to release FF7R faster to keep up with the hype without condensing and cutting off content, then they can't fit everything in one installment without taking a very long development time which would risk people forgetting all about the remake and losing all the hype in the process. I don't want to be walking down a corridor and bam a new town, and walk 10sec more and bam a new dungeon. They're going to have to fill those open fields with content, and a remake that simply told the exact same story in the exact same world but with shinier graphics would've been a huge disappointment. There's definitely room for plenty of improvements in the original game. So, it's better to release the remake in parts, add all the extra contents to flesh out the story, and at the sametime keeping the fans hype for the next installment.

2. See above.

The original was praised as a masterpiece already, but you said it had many plot holes and lacked contents? Then that mean FFVII on ps1 was an incomplete game and basically, a cash grab? Also, maybe the extra story will synchronize perfectly with the original story, just like FFXV add-on plot for example, FFVIIR will be a true beautiful bonus for a good story that many people already love. Perhaps FFVII fans will love the remake even way more for some too amazing extra stories.