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Their were bugs in console games way before the developers had the ability to patch.

One of my favourite games of all time is an absolute bug filled mess.  The game I am talking about is final fantasy 3 (N.A.)  6 (Jpn)

Below I list just a small example of the many bugs.

0 man party bug

sketch bug

This bug is now pretty famous (infamous?). It involves Relm (or Gogo) sketching a monster and then the bug occurs. It seems to happen most when sketching large enemies, unusual enemies, or invisible enemies (Gau, Intangir, etc.), but can occur when sketching normal monsters. The bug may do many things.

Reset EVERYTHING (i.e. three empty save slots)

Permanently mess up saved games

Give your party tons (as many as 255 [it'll say 0]) of different items.

Just freeze up (meaning you'll have to reset)

Erase items from your inventory.

About the only way to make sure you don't encounter this bug is to simply not sketch.


evade stat bug

1: The Evade% statistic (which is supposed to indicate a character's ability to avoid physical attacks) is completely meaningless; since all attacks are treated as magic, the evasion ability which gets used is invariably MBlock%. This means that shields (all of which increase Evade% as their main effect) are significantly less valuable to a PC than they "should" be. This in turn means that the Genji Glove accessory (which allows a character to give up a shield in order to wield two weapons instead) is significantly more valuable than it "should" be.

2: Since MBlock% is used to evade all attacks, a PC with MBlock% of 128 or better is invulnerable to all attacks except for those which automatically hit (note that statistics listed as "percentages" in FF6 are actually fractions out of 128) It is fairly easy to get 128 MBlock% in the endgame of FF6 by piling all the equipment with high MBlock% values on one character.

3: Being blinded has no actual effect on a character or monster whatsoever. Blindness is supposed to greatly reduce the accuracy of physical attacks, but to have no effect on magic. Since all attacks are treated as magic from the standpoint of accuracy, blindness ends up having no effect whatsoever. This means that items which cure or prevent blindness are completely unnecessary, and attacks which cause blindness (like Edgar's Flash) are worthless.