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Eagle367 said:

Did the courts indict Evo Morales? No. Who did? The new right wing official under the military's express instructions. That's not facing justice, that's facing death. You keep mentioning justice but forget the military told him to resign, not any legal channel. What's happening in Bolivia is 100% extrajudicial so what law is he facing? Not the Bolivian law but maybe martial law. Netenyahu has been investigated by a neutral party under normal circumstances of the Israeli law. Likud will not decide his fate, the courts will. Trump is facing impeachment, the most constitutional thing a Congress can do. Imagine if the US military asked Donald Trump to resign? There is not justice with Morales returning home, only an unjust extrajudicial death. I can't believe the hypocrisy of you people who supposedly support democracy and rule of law. NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of election rigging in Bolivia exists as well. And no one indicted hi, under normal regular channels of Bolivian law. I don't have proof of CIA you're right but call it past experience with how CIA does it's dealings. Decades from now when no one cares, unclassified documents will show what the truth is. 

Just because the military indicted Evo Morales does not mean that that he won't receive a fair trial in court ... 

Netanyahu has been investigated by a neutral party but it's unlikely the courts will settle the issue so he's hanging by his own party's lifeline. As for Trump, he hasn't been impeached so that's for the Republicans to decide and that's also unlikely to happen either. At least the US military is content with Trump not breaching the constitution so far while the same can't be said of Evo Morales who breached the term limits as enshrined in the Bolivian constitution and is also accused of terrorism on tape ... 

As far as no 'physical' evidence of election rigging that's not consistent with OAS claims who found "clear manipulation" in Bolivia's voting system ... 

At the end of the day you are justifying cowardice for a fugitive not showing up in court to be tried for his potential crimes and not even his own party supports him anymore! 

How about that ? The Movement for Socialists promised to attest to the findings by OAS to audit the previous election results so it's not only just a right-wing military coup but it's also a left-wing political coup by his own party or a bipartisan coup to recognize that he is the illegitimate president of Bolivia ...