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Ring Fit will definitely have more limited potential than Wii Fit, as it's a bit more complex. I tried to show my mom the game and her head was spinning lol (though it was a somewhat brief haphazard demo on my part). Still, it certainly has the potential to get several million in sales easily. There are many even more casual gamers out there who are looking for a fun way to workout and actually break a sweat while playing at least a semi-nuanced game. Wii Fit for all its groundbreaking attributes and unique qualities still tends to feel more like a demo with mainly a yoga/minigame focus, whereas Ring Fit actually feels like a true fitness game. My legs were really feeling it after just a week or so of playing ha.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden