RolStoppable said: Based on review scores as well as fan reception. Sonic 06, Sonic Boom and Fallout 76 are all sequels/sidegames that got pretty much universally panned by critics and fans alike. That's not the case for Sword/Shield, whether it concerns reviewers or fans. That's the difference between the two of us. You only consider your own personal judgment, but I look at a large number of opinions. You can say for yourself that Sword/Shield is a bigger disappointment than Sonic 06 was, but that's not an opinion that is representative of the majority. |
So popular opinion, I guess that's a fair enough.
Well of course, I'm not so full of myself that I would try to speak for thousands of others, nor do I judge things based on popular opinion.
padib said: You can't possibly have been a Sonic fan and be more disappointed about Sw/Sh than you were about Sonic 06. Either that or you forgot. Here is a true sonic fan talking about his experience with Sonic 06. Let me tell you, even if I haven't played Sw/Sh, nothing in the videos I'm seeing (even the one above that points out its bugs) resembles this. :( Regarding this thread, I see that some people equate defending exaggerated criticism of the game with blind defense. At the same time, I see reasonable posts showing that attacks are unreasonable and out of proportion. I invite everyone to keep a good dose of discernment when looking at all sides. |
Both Sonic 06 and Sw/Sh are in a state that makes them unplayable to me, but Sw/Sh means future games will be like it, whereas that wasn't the case with 06. That's my opinion, if that makes me not a true Sonic fan to you, lol whatever.