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Monday news, part two:

Norse god Heimdallr joins the Smite's pantheon next month
Smite's next playable character is Heimdallr the Vigilant, the Norse god who wields the powerful horn Gjallarhorn and the son of Nine Mothers. Heimdallr has been a possibility the Smite community has discussed for some time, and Hi-Rez has announced that he's finally arriving in the game next month—although in a role that may be a surprise for many fans.
>> And Baba Yaga will come next year.

Try the super-cute adventure-RPG Garden Story for free in the new demo on Steam
We included Garden Story in our list of the best games to cozy up with if you want more Stardew Valley: As village guardian and sword-wielding grape Concord, "you'll bring life back to the island, do favors for your fruity friends, and cultivate your garden while investigating The Rot that's destroying the village." It's set to come out in 2020, but you can play a chunk of it right now.

BioWare is reportedly working on a complete overhaul of Anthem
By all appearances, Anthem is a game in serious trouble. The launch was a mess, big plans have been abandoned, it's lost some high-profile personnel including the lead producer and head of live service, and the big seasonal event announced earlier this month didn't exactly make a huge splash. Electronic Arts has committed to sticking with it, but you can understand why fans might have doubts.
According to Kotaku, however, reports of Anthem's impending demise are greatly exaggerated, and in fact BioWare has developers in both Edmonton and Austin planning out a complete overhaul of the game—enough of a do-over that some people refer to it as Anthem 2.0 or Anthem Next.

A new Mass Effect is rumored to be in 'very early development'
A recent Kotaku report on a potential major overhaul of Anthem concluded on a very interesting and surprisingly understated note about a completely different game. Sources told the site that BioWare is still at work on Dragon Age 4, which we knew, and also that a new Mass Effect game is "in very early development" under the direction of Mike Gamble.
>> Since I doubt it's a follow up to Andromeda, I wonder what this new game could be about.

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection is delayed
Capcom announced today that Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, which was supposed to be out in January, has run into a bit of a snag and won't actually be available until February 25, 2020.

Sea of Thieves is giving away a Gears of War-inspired ship set for a week
There's a new Sea of Thieves update coming later this month called The Seabound Soul that will give digital swashbucklers a new Tall Tale to explore and a new kind of cannonball to throw at each other. There's also a new set of ship cosmetics called the Omen Set that you can pick up for free, right now.

Dicey Dungeons is getting more updates, mod support
Dicey Dungeons already received a Halloween-themed update and several patches, but Cavanagh has said he's committed to more post-release support. The 1.7 update will be focused on modding support, and "hopefully we’ll be doing more stuff like the Halloween Special in future."

Factorio now has a release date
After over eight years in development, logistics simulator Factorio will reach version 1.0 midway through next year. Developer Wube Software has announced that it will release the game out of early access on the 25th of September, 2020. In their latest developer diary, Wube reckoned with the game’s extended development cycle by deciding a change of ethos was in order. “We feel that the Factorio development is taking way too long,” said Wube’s Technology Director Michal, “The approach ‘it is done when it is done’ was serving us well to deliver a high quality product, but if we continued this way, we would be doing it basically forever.” Wube admits that the game is already polished and an immediate release wouldn’t feel like a failure, but says there are things in the game that the team would consider unfinished.

Elite: Dangerous factions in showdown over giant, long-lost generation ship
Space sim Elite: Dangerous’ latest community event is a neat sci-fi story as the Federation and Empire face off over the Golconda, a long-lost generation ship launched from Earth more than a thousand years before the game’s current time. Called The Golconda, the ship’s inhabitants are the first found alive on a lost generation ship in the game. The generation ship had long ago arrived at its destination, but had chosen to preserve itself as a closed society and never contacted the outside world. Its inhabitants first reached out to request advanced medical supplies, however, because they were facing a viral outbreak which they could not stop. The game’s player pilots leapt to the ship’s aid, delivering thousands of tons of supplies and warding off pirate attacks on shipping.

Blizzard 'has completely changed,' say Diablo's original creators
At Path of Exile's ExileCon fan convention in New Zealand this weekend I had the chance to speak with Blizzard North's founders and Diablo creators David Brevik, Erich Schaefer, and Max Schaefer to get their opinion on Blizzard's recent controversies. (...)
During our chat I asked Brevik, Erich, and Max Schaefer, if it was hard watching a company that they helped build embroil itself in controversy over the past year, and if it felt like Blizzard had "sort of" changed.

Baba is You has a cross-platform level editor coming
Top-notch puzzle game Baba is You will be getting a level editor and sharing system in 2020 that will work across platforms, says the official twitter account. Players will be able to create levels and share them with others on any of the game’s other platforms—that’s PC, Mac, Linux, and Nintendo Switch. “Yes, the online level selection will be the same for all platforms it’s available on,” said another tweet. That's welcome news for one of this year’s most pleasant releases, a puzzler that understands and plays with the mechanics of language in a way that few others do.

Path of Exile isn't scared of Diablo 4, creator says competition is 'good for the genre'
This weekend Path of Exile developer Grinding Gear Games surprised fans with the announcement of Path of Exile 2. Revealed during the opening ceremony of its first-ever ExileCon fan convention in New Zealand, Path of Exile 2 deceivingly isn't a standalone sequel, but rather a second campaign and a major overhaul that will be incorporated into the base game. With a vastly improved graphics engine, animations, and deep reworks of core systems, Path of Exile 2 is an exciting step forward for the small New Zealand studio.

Torchlight Frontiers is delayed, won't be coming in 2019
Torchlight Frontiers, the persistent world multiplayer successor to beloved action RPG Torchlight 2, was originally announced to be coming in 2019. But with just over a month left in the year, Echtra Games founder Max Schaefer told PC Gamer this weekend that Torchlight Frontiers wasn't going to make that deadline and would be delayed into 2020.

Dead Island 2 and Saints Row 5 are still in the works
In an interview with, Klemens Kundratitz (CEO of Koch Media, who own Deep Silver Publishing and are in turn part of THQ Nordic) explained that it's definitely coming. "Look, Dead Island is a very important brand for us and we've got to get it right. It's just a testimony of our dedication to get it right", he said.

Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition is coming next year, collecting all 40 characters
A third edition of Street Fighter 5 is due out next year—judging by its predecessor it might not be the last. Street Fighter 5: Champion Edition collects almost everything that's been released for the fighter so far, but there's more coming to the game before its launch.

Valhall, the viking battle royale, shows off its magic hammer
I'm sure the vikings lived rich, full lives, but in Valhall they're once again engaging in the pastime we're most interested in: beating the crap out of people. It's a first and third-person battle royale between 50 angry vikings, each of them hoping to snatch the sword of Odin and stop the apocalypse. No, they can't just work together. That would be ridiculous.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.