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I think the "competition" Nintendo have demonstrated that huge production values aren't the only thing that sells games.

I would beg to differ. The Nintendo games have much higher production values than other Wii games and therefore they outsell them by a huge margin.

Nintendo changed the game by targeting new customers: casual gamers and social gamers. (The only game areas where non Nintendo Wii games are doing really well)

It will be interesting next gen, when all three competitors have their own motion controllers and the playing field has been leveled.

Given that the PS3 still hasn't demonstrated it's full potential and games at the end of it's ten year cycle will look much better than it's current games, I don't think Sony will see the need to double their next consoles power.

I am pretty sure that the power of the PS4 won't be double the PS3. More like ten times as powerful. (Again Moore's law strikes again). I am pretty sure that the PS4 will not cost 800$ to make when it comes out but it will be much more powerful than the Ps3. I mean they used the PS3 to kill HD-DVD and including BluRay was a very costly way to make this happen.

The lessons learned this generation will have a far greater impact on the next generation than just putting the biggest engine under the hood.

Of course, every console will have innovative input methods in some way. Every console will try to woo casual gamers. But third-party developers are still making the biggest part of their revenue with classic, high-budget PS360 games so the world has not turned upside down. Nintendo brought new people to gaming, for the rest the old rules apply. High-Budget games like Call of Duty4, GTA4, MGS4, Halo3 sell huge numbers and bring in lots of money. This won't change in the next generation either.