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Pemalite said:

Maybe in your part of the world!

It's pretty rare. The leading provider of massive MIMO antennae have only delivered 400000 units to the world so far this year ... 

With their 3rd generation massive MIMO antennae, they'll be able to take the mass down to just 25kg ... (the competitors are at least 40kg and heavier) 

Pemalite said:

Allot of rural/regional towers here are fed by Microwave backhaul, which is extremely susceptible to poor weather conditions like hail and even rain.

Before VDSL got rolled out with a fiber line to feed the whole network we were relying on microwave backhaul to feed ADSL connections untill just a few years ago, whenever there was any bit of shit weather, the backhaul fell over. - NextGen Networks actually installed a second microwave link as a fallback... And that often fell over as-well, requiring eventually a third link.

2G/3G and 4G all collapsed here on monday during a massive bushfire, the ash and smoke took down all mobile communications.

That's probably down to poor quality equipment or the damage in the process or it could be that it's using a mmWave backhaul ... 

Using microwave backhaul is perfectly scalable, just don't go using frequencies above 10 GHz ... 

mmWave in itself is a curse no matter where it's used ... 

Pemalite said:

You knew exactly what I was talking about, you are just playing semantics. Haha

I really don't ... 

It's somewhat serious stuff. Samsung is extremely deceptive when it comes to their 'support' for mmWave technology. They keep advertising that their Exynos 5100 modems are capable mmWave but that is totally meaningless in terms of being able to use frequency bands such as n257/n258/n260/n261 when they don't have the RF mmWave antenna modules like Qualcomm does with their QTM052 or QTM525 mmWave antenna modules ... 

The RF antenna modules are the difference between why Qualcomm's in-house chipsets/integrated circuits are actually 5G mmWave capable while Samsung's designed chipsets/integrated circuits aren't 5G mmWave capable!

The magic behind it all happens beyond just the baseband technology ...

Pemalite said:

It is certainly a complex topic, the ramble you posted doesn't contradict my statement.
Cell sizes of 5G are smaller than 3G or 4G.

Everything you listed is important, but... It doesn't change that underlying principle.

Were you implying that smaller cell sizes lead to lower coverage ? 

If so then that is not necessarily true in the case of using beamforming techniques or if different transmit power is applied to each antenna ...