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I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect it to be 100% finished and 100% playable.

Bah, in the times of online gaming this is pretty much impossible. You cannot do a beta test large enough.
Games are so complex now that they cannot be tested perfectly anymore get over it. You will always have patches from now on and that is a good thing, because it enables developers to add features that would have been much too risky not long ago.

There is no 100% finished and playable product in IT history. (Except Latex )

Besides until now my experience on the PS3 has been great. I didn't encounter a serious problem yet (apart from Assassin's Creed crashing twice) and I think its nice that updates bring new features to me in Gran Turismo Prologue.

That doesn't mean, that I want to become a paying beta tester, something EA customers often are. Console games need to be tested better than other consumer software. But that doesn't mean that they have to be tested perfectly which won't be possible anymore.