youngbr said: The last good Pokémon was Black & White to me, not that the latest have been bad. But they are only so so. GameFreak has no idea what to do anymore imo. |
I think it'll be hard for GF to make anyone happy. Pokemon does not operate like Zelda, Mario, or any other conventional video game franchise. It's a multimedia empire. So its both a blessing and a curse, however you want to put it.
With how TPC, Nintendo, and GF operate, in terms o the games, the anime, the TCG, the merchandise, etc.; having to keep up with all of that can be hard to develop grand games, even under a 2-3 year development cycle and having to release them under an annual/bi-annual basis.
The only years where there isn't a Pokemon game (new gen, remake, third version, or sequel) are:
1997, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2011, and 2015
They would have to rework how they model their releases from all their multimedia projects.
How long can the anime be? It usually lasts for about 3 years until the next generation to align with the upcoming new generation of games.
How will TPC continue with the merchandise and TCG series without a mainline Pokemon game for maybe 3-5 years, instead of 1-2 years?
Pokemon has garnered billions from all aspects of their media projects using the model that they are using as of now.
That means the likeliness of remakes (i.e., Gen IV), third versions, sequels, are gonna be lower than usual.
But again, are there fans who are ok with no new Pokemon for longer than 2 years?
I don't know if there is a simple answer to all of this. Because not only Game Freak has to agree with it, the Pokemon Company and Nintendo also have to agree. Nintendo is the publisher of the games and I doubt they used a laissez-faire approach when it comes to the games. Why keep the strict November releases?
Last edited by Kai_Mao - on 14 November 2019