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Jpcc86 said:
A bit weird reading these comments saying “I dont care about the old pokemon at all, praise be to Yevon”, alright so youve been playing this franchise for 15-20 or so years and at no point whatsoever you had favorites, pokemon you liked more than others or that one pokemon you HAD to have on your team, cause they’re awesome/cute/cool/nostalgia/whateverreason?

I mean, check the list, a lot of the fan-favorites are being left out. No Alakazam, Scizor, Dragonite, Garchomp, Heracross, your boy Mewtwo, that other one you love so much that looks like a blob, Gliscor, every starter other than the overexposed Charizard, bla bla, etc etc.
In my personal and completely arbitrary experience which only applies to me and therefore you might as well stop reading right now, I hardly ever used Alolan pokemon cause they all sucked, they had horrible stats, so usually 4 of the 6 pokemon in the team were “old ones”.

I've raised a Starmie in just about every game I've played.  I would love it if Starmie was in it, but my experience is not going to be significantly diminished by having to choose something else.  Also Alolan Ninetails was awesome.

Edit: If I buy the game at all.  I may not, but that's more due to general franchise fatigue than the dex issue.  

Lonely_Dolphin said:
JWeinCom said:

Diminishing returns.  At a certain point, when there are more Pokemon than I'll ever actually use or even catch, the additional Pokemon will add nothing to my enjoyment.  There are also potential metagame benefits to having a smaller number of Pokemon.

Uh, good for you. You're going have to elaborate on the metagame part though, cause less Pokemon only means less team builds and strategies to use and go up against.

It's a lot easier to balance a metagame with less Pokemon for one thing.  And a lot of the Pokemon that are gone were a bit on the unbalanced side.

Fewer potential strategies means less depth but more accessibility.  The more potential threats that there are, the harder it is to make a team that can be adequately prepared for all of them. With a small number of Pokemon you can be reasonably prepared for whatever your opponent throws at you.  The more Pokemon, the more potential strategies, and you're at a point where you just have to pick and choose which threats you're going to be ready for, and if the opponent sends something out that you didn't prepare for, no amount of smart play will help, and you just have to take the L.

There's also the element that it's a more even playing field for new players since long time players already have a boatload of options to pick from.  And there's the fact that legendaries had become so insane that they had to be moved to their own metagame, and maybe this time they could actually be folded back into the main meta.

Of course, the same thing could also be accomplished with a national dex only battle mode.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 05 November 2019