fatslob-:O said:
Of course it does! NPD sees this as valuable information so the only way to protect this value is to effectively gate it off from the public. NPD's business relies on collecting data solely for the purpose of sharing it to their customers, not for the public ... It's hard work to compile data so it's reasonable for them to take measures so that others don't profit off from it or make use of it ... |
The value is in the reports which have far more detail than sales numbers. These companies are not paying thousands of dollars to get how much game X sold, especially as that information was given away for free while reports were being sold. You're paying for the analysis.
It's hard to not see the NPD's current set-up as nothing more than marketing for the ESA. Only give out good news and spin the rest. Not like anyone can check the numbers.
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Known as Smashchu in a former life