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This is sort of what I figured. They will be milking the hell out of every online game, service or tool. There will be less games, but more of them will be online - and all of them will have some form of DLC (or some other way for Sony to make money from them).

HOME is central to this strategy - as is LittleBigPlanet, GT5, and probably a host of other games. No wonder they canned "The Getaway" - all makes sense now.

Its very much the WoW (service revenue) strategy (but slightly different) - it also means there is a much smaller focus on games (less games), and also a smaller install base - but a larger focus on getting these units online. It also means more expensive hardware is less of an issue (as the install base is less critical, and losing money on hardware isn't required).


Its also interesting, because its moving Sony AWAY from Nintendo's strategy (huge install base, money from 1st-party software sales) - and towards MS's strategy (making money off Xbox Live / Windows online).

(sorry, this is sort of separate from this thread - probably should be in a thread of its own)

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