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shikamaru317 said:

I'm really enjoying it so far. It's like Fallout combined with Firefly, and I'm a big fan of both of those. Parvati, your first companion, is basically just Kaylee from Firefly (both mechanics, both have a good heart, both have similar speech patterns), and the music is very Firefly like. The gameplay systems though are very much so Fallout based. However, the game does feel a bit dated, Obsidian could have learned a thing or two about modern shooter design, since it is an RPG shooter afterall. Graphics are pretty dated as well. Hopefully these are both things that will be fixed on the sequel with a larger Microsoft budget to work with and maybe some assistance from 343 to improve the shooting mechanics.

That sounds great, two things I love as well. How long is the game though, I don't really feel like a 50 hour plus rpg.

John2290 said:

I really, really wanna delve deeper into the game but the visuals are sickening my stomach and inducing headaches. Why they would go to this degree of PP without sliders and options for the player to turn them off is beyond me, I'd take a lesser looking game with hard rough adges if it meant I could get rid of this chromatic aberation, it's like looking at an old 3d film with bad glasses. They eyes glow neon ffs, things that should glow ... glow and creatures and people look like they are in a cartoon that is attempting to illustrate the effects of radiation. It's so nauseating. 

So interested and willing yet so disappointed at near every turn by this game so far. I'm going to try to continue playing and suck all the saturation out with my TV settings, try and balance somewhere between B&W and this mess so I can enjoy the game without feeling ill.

Oh and Parvati is Ashly Burch in a southern tone but her Aloy voice is coming through quite strong, best thing so far in the mediocrity.

Ugh I hate chromatic abhoration, that does not sound pleasant to look at. Perhaps I'll wait for the PC (Steam) release, that should have the option to turn chromatic crap off as well as motion blur and other nonsense.