LudicrousSpeed said:
JRPGfan said:
NPD doesnt show how many played it via 1$ for a year, on gamepass. However my thinking is, more than Xbox is probably comfortable with..... didnt buy the new Gears game, but played it via gamepass.
Xbox probably made huge losses on Gears (spending on production > sales + gamepass revenue generated).
Also apparently 5 weeks later on, its almost out of the top20 most played on xbox. This is unusual for a Gears of War game, they usually have good legs, and staying power.... this one seems to have fizzled out quicker.
I stopped reading at $1/year GamePass. You’re either wildly ignorant about GamePass or exaggerating greatly, either way not worth a serious reply.
So, he mixed up month for year. Big deal. Doesn't change the fact that the rest of his reply was true. Nice way to try and ignore it, though.