Hiku said:
Deeds said:
People quickly forgot that NPD started hiding data late into the Wii/PS3/360 era. During the PS2/GCN/Xbox era all the data was wide open. Coincidence? And again, sales data can be used for marketing purposes. For example, "Product X is the best selling thing, get it while its hot!!!!". You cant do that when your product is selling like shit, but you can shut people up and create narratives that are deceptive, like "the Playsation Family of sales". Also notice that they CANT shut up companies that are too strong like Kadokawa Dwango (who owns Famitsu) or Amazon (with their bestseller list).
So they spent money to hide NPD after their console started making a comeback? And then spent money to silence Media Create for numbers that Famitsu still provide?
Also, have you noticed how seedless grapes became a thing AFTER America was created? It's because Italy can shut up it's domestic farmers, but they CANT shut up America. Coincidence?
Deeds said:
Bingo!!!! You bring up a very good point. Why would Media Create hide data behind a paywall (which is what they said they are doing), when Famitsu and Dengeki releases that data for FREE???? That sounds like self sabotage on Media Create's part to me. WHO is going to buy that data when it is free elsewhere? Sounds to me like there was some outside influence that made Media create do something stupid. As for you second point AGAIN, NPD STARTED to hide data during the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii generation.
If you read the article I linked, companies were already paying them for their data before. And the reason a company would chose them was also stated in the article. Because they're considered the most reliable source in Japan. And now they plan to expand their services to track other regions.
Their detailed analysis of sales data was behind a paywall, not the sales numbers itself. Hiding the sales numbers at the time they did it was suspicious. Who cares anyway, Media Create is now dead and irrelevant (they will not be missed) Everyone is looking at Famitsu.