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Sorry for taking so long to get back to you guys. Went on vacation, and then had "fire week" at my job. Anyway, I'm back. 

LudicrousSpeed said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

@Bolded: BotW has sold over 15 million units (Edit: Wii U + Switch Sales) despite almost never going on sale. Meanwhile Witcher 3 has reached a little over 20 million sales while being up to 70% off. So your whole logic about going multiplatform leading to more reliable sales and a bigger budget doesn't add up. Horizon, and God of War were both just as ambitious as Witcher 3 despite being exclusives. So there's no reason to think Witcher 3 wouldn't have been as ambitious as an exclusive.  BotW is vastly superior to Witcher 3 despite being "less ambitious". 

For your theory about MS games to hold any weight MS would have had to have great first party before focusing on their play anywhere push.

Nah, the theory still works if their overall review scores plummet around the same time, or shortly after their play anywhere push. 

That’s great and all for Zelda but that’s a Nintendo title. No other games sell like Nintendo games. Even those two games you listed from Sony saw massive price cuts not long after release. So yeah, the point still stands about revenue coming back in. Sales on three platforms versus one. Without someone paying for an exclusive deal, you’re limiting the return on your investment which of course affects what you invest. Pretty basic stuff.

And cool, I wasn’t aware MS had some era this gen where their games reviewed very well and then they “plummeted”. Oh wait that didnt happen, just more pulled out of the butt to support the argument. 

We can agree to disagree about the ambition of those titles, especially Horizon 😬

Sorry, but I forgot to mention that Witcher 3 GotY edition was being sold for up to 70% off from it's $30 retail price. Or for $11 a pop on Gog a few months back. So that 20+ million number is even less revenue than we thought. 

Nintendo games sell well because Nintendo has made itself synonymous with quality. Even if we account for Nintendo level of sales BotW more than doubled the old sales record of OoT on the N64. 

SoT, Crackdown 3, and SoD2 all plummeted in comparison to games released earlier in the generation. 

zero129 said:
 I honestly don't know how the movie or music industry survived for so long without needing to sell tapes/cd's/DVDs etc and the players to go along with them.

The movie industry requires you to pay nearly half the price of a DVD in order to see the movie in theaters. Imagine having to pay $30 just so you can play a game for a single playthrough. There have been exclusive shows on HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc for a few years now. 

Azzanation said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Crackdown, State of Decay 2, and Sea of Thieves came out either at the same time MS started putting its games on PC, or a little after. 

Developing for multiple platforms isn't the issue. The issue is not caring enough to make the games as good as they can be, because they are no longer meant to sell consoles. 

Okay we need to address your post.

I am going to start off with guessing you haven't played any of the games you mentioned above correct? If so please correct me with your reply. As someone who has played and finished all 3 of the games you mentioned let me explain.

Crackdown 3 is not a service based game, has no MTX and Lootboxes and wasn't even made by Xbox. CD3 was criticised as it had a messy development. It switched hands, was delayed multiple times and due to the investment MS have put into it, wasn't as easy to cancel as well as the promises. And please don't use Scalebound as a reason why they could of cancel CD3. Scalebound was cancelled for a completely different reason and that was a falling out with MS and Platinum Games. Platinum Games came out and admitted it. Unfortunately that was a business disaster.

State Of Decay 2 is another none service based game with no MTX, Lootboxes in it. It again wasn't made by Xbox and only recently the company who made SoD2 was brought by MS. Also lets add Undead Labs is a small Indy company so we shouldn't be expecting a full fledged AAA game from them in the first place. SoD2 was criticized for its buggy launch. It has nothing to do with it being developed for multiple platforms. Sony's very own Zombie game made by one of there big AAA branches in Bend Studios made Days Gone which only received a 72 on Metacritic.

Sea Of Thieves Is another game that offers no MTX and Lootboxes and yes this game is a service based game. The game launched like majority of service based games which tend to fall over the starting line with its lack of content like Fallout 76, Drive Club, No Man Sky, Street Fighter 5, Destiny, Gran Turismo Sport and Anthem etc. SoTs has evolved and became one of MS's best selling games this generation. There best selling new IP anyway.

Gears 5 Is living proof that Xbox can make amazing games. Its campaign is up there with the best of them however its MP mode offered online issues which happens to a lot of MP games. Gears 5 does offer MTX however its redundant if you play Gears for the campaign mode. Most big MP games offer a store front and this is nothing new. TLOU had Pay to Win elements in its MP mode and yet that game is praised so lets not act like MS are the only brand to do it and act like you cannot have success with the method either. 

Xbox has always been a multiplayer focus brand, since the OG Xbox they have more passion in making a good MP game than there direct competition. Only Nintendo can really compete on the MP front when they want to however Sony just doesn't do it and when they did, they didn't do it well or at least at the same level as Xbox. That's why majority of Sony's 1st party line up don't even offer a MP mode for there biggest games, so Sony is actually dodging bullets here because they cannot cop any criticism for having MP modes where as with Xbox games do. Also Xbox try to have a genre for everything as we have seen with games like Sea of Thieves being there online service game and Halo Wars offering there RTS style game and with Flight Simulator coming out being a full fledge Simulator game. In my personal opinion, Xbox has been more ambition this gen than Sony mainly because they took greater risks. Sony kept it safe by removing MP in most of there big budget titles and stayed with there story telling 3rd person games. Xbox went out and dipped there toes in genres that wouldn't be popular on consoles and they still continue to this day by including MP and SP in there games while bringing in newer services like Backward Compatibility and GamePass etc.

We also need to understand that Xbox has been going through a complete overhaul this generation by closing and buying new studios, creating newer services and polishing up the XB1 brand. Normally companies aren't expected to do well in these events. Next gen will be Xbox's big test because now they have got all the hard stuff out the way this gen, they should have nothing holding them back in Gen 9.

Anyway that's my thoughts and personal experience with the games mentioned above. 

I never mentioned MTX, or Service based stuff having to do with Crackdown 3. MS owns the IP and the fact that they farmed development out to an unproven studio just shows how little they care about a game they intended to throw onto gamepass half baked. Aside from racing games and LBP games which they had large amounts of outside help on, Sumo Digital hasn't really done much. 

Not sure where MTX comes into the argument with SoD2. Oh well. I know SoD2 was an indie developed game. I was never expecting scores in the mid 80's or higher with that game. But the original SoD had 78 (360 version's score) on metacritic and SoD2 dropped 12 points to 66 (XB1 version's score). I agree that Days Gone should have been better, but you've got to look at Sony's overall track record. Even Nintendo has a few less than stellar games like Kirby Star Allies, or Super Mario Party. That's fine so long as it doesn't come to represent a significant portion of their output. Even so, a 71 is miles above a 66. There's no comparing the two scores. And Days Gone has a high user score of 8/10, while SoD2 has one of 5.3 or so. 

As far as SoT goes, you pretty much admit that it launched as a bad game. Thanks. And the fastest selling new IP title isn't that impressive, because they are including Gamepass players as a "sale". 

As far as Gears 5 goes, I'm willing to give it a pass on the MTX, considering that they are opting for that instead of charging people $15 per new map pack. So it isn't quite as bad as I initially thought. TLoU MTX was only added a year and a half after release, to a game mode that most considered to be tacked on, and irrelevant. It was still a shitty thing for them to do though. 

So Sony is lazy for not making Multiplayer in their games, and MS in hard working for putting Multiplayer back in? Dude, Multiplayer has to be one of the easiest things to develop. I know devs that have intentionally made their games multiplayer only, because it's much easier to have players be your AI than to program good AI. Same goes for level design, and challenge. A single level in a multiplayer game can yield hundreds of hours of content. A single level in a single player game might be played three or four times tops. Challenge is done in multiplayer via matchmaking with players that are at your skill level. Most multiplayer games are just shooters of some sort, meaning controls and camera are mostly handled already. 

PS3 backwards compatibility with PS4 was never going to happen. The Cell processor was just too different. Gamepass was a good idea though. 

Nintendo looks and your complete overhaul argument and laughs. They merged their handheld and console divisions, launched a new console mid gen, had their president die, and got two new presidents. Yet Switch is on fire!

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 16 October 2019