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If you read the Kotaku guy's article, he complains about two things:

1. Lot's of loading.

Well, it is a beta, so I'm sure they're working on that. He also said it was the first time Home had been installed on the ps3 he had been using, so the load times may have been abnormally long because of that.

2. It's boring.

Of course, he also mentioned that he was the only person roaming around in the thing. What's a social network without all the people? Once this opens up to the public, things should be a bit more lively.

It seems to me that the main complaint about Home is that there's lots of loading. So long as they trim that down, I'm sure it will be fine. Once they get more people in there and have more developers make cool dev spaces (for example, the Uncharted space will provide you with a free 2D sidescroller, and the Warhawk space allows friends to meet up in a war room before jumping directly into a server and going to battle), then I'm sure Home will become a pretty cool place to roam around in.

Plus it's free. :P