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VideoGameAccountant said:

The trends and the charts are still useful. They are going to get discussed somewhere so might as well do it here.

I agree that the US needs a real sales tracker. How Famitsu and Media Create are able to do that for free is what I'd be interesting in knowing. 

Y'know, I wonder if it would be worthwhile to contact Famitsu and see what it would take for them to start tracking sales in the U.S. I mean, they're a freakin' video game magazine and they've been putting out weekly numbers for free for over 20 years. Twenty years! Maybe we do need a company that's not some nebulous market research company.

That's probably what it is. Still, it may not be as costly as it seems. I mean, this is a magazine and they are able to get numbers weekly. In the age of Patreon, it may be possible to set something up like this if we know how they do it. 

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Known as Smashchu in a former life