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goopy20 said:

Yes I did say a 2080RTX will be minimal requirements, not a 2080TI. My point is that the minimum requirements will be exactly what will be in these next gen consoles.

That would be akin to making the statement that because the Radeon 5870 is a minimum requirement for a game, that the Radeon 5850 would be deemed useless, which is far from reality, the 5850 is capable of running all the same games as the 5870.

I mean even the benchmarks shows the difference between the RTX 2080 and RTX 2080Ti not to be generationally different in regards to their overall capabilities.

goopy20 said:

If you're saying it has officially been confirmed that that will be a 2080RTX, then you've just proven my point and all the things I've been blabbering about are now officially facts.

No. That is not what I am saying at all. The next gen consoles aren't even using nVidia Geforce, thus making your entire argument base tenuous at best.

You have also not stated a single fact, backed up by a single shred of evidence, meaning you don't actually have legitimacy to any of the opinions that you have put forth thus far.

goopy20 said:

We will see about the cpu cores and SSD, you're now the one making assumptions as we have no idea what Sony's got cooking. All we know is that they're referring to their SSD as “the key to the next generation.” Allowing the ps5 to stream much larger worlds and basically making loading screens a thing of the past

This just proves you don't have a single understanding of technology, the PC or PC technology in general.

If you think the Playstation 5 is going to have superior SSD performance to that of the PC... Then you are probably the same person who believed the PS2 was a super computer or the PS1 could be used in missile guidance systems.

The fact is, the PC still leads the industry in this regard. Why? Because of a simple Acronym known as "RAID".
Educate yourself about RAID and it's wonders here:

TLDR, Raid basically allows you to combine multiple storage devices into a single entity, significantly increasing performance and/or redundancy.

And this was done before Ryzen 3000 and thus PCI-E 4.0 came about, theoretically increasing performance even more.

But yes, keep believing in the false idea that the Playstation 5 will have superior SSD performance to the PC...

goopy20 said:

What I do know is that most modern games in 2021 will be designed to take full advantage of it. There were plenty of people who had to upgrade their cpu when the ps4 came out, including myself.

I have a Core 2 Quad+8GB DDR2 Ram+Geforce 1030. - It is 10+ years old at this point and is still able to run most games fine, not 4k, 120fps fine, but 720P is more than doable, not bad for a PC that came out during the early years of the 7th gen.

I also have a Core i7 3930K which came out in 2011, 6 cores, 12 threads, 32GB of Ram, Crossfire Radeon RX 580's and it can run most games at 1440P just fine. Not bad for a PC that predates the 8th generation and will be gaming even into the 9th generation.

I also have a Ryzen 2700u notebook which is a semi-capable 720P gaming device and a Radeon 3700X (Intending to upgrade to the 3950X once it drops) the latter of which will probably be gaming untill the 10th gen.

So you had to upgrade when the PS4 came out? Well. Good for you. - Perhaps you should buy decent components that will last?

goopy20 said:

Look, I bought a new pc about 4 months ago. It's a Acer Predator with a 1060 GTX, I5 8400 and 256 SSD and I totally understand that I will need to upgrade it 2 years from now. If you want to keep gaming on your rig and are fine with 720p at the lowest settings, and 5 minute loading screens, then more power to you man!

Why would you buy a new PC with an old, outdated CPU that only has average performance to start with? Perhaps that is the issue right there, you are buying the incorrect gear.

The Geforce 1060 was nothing to write home about either.

In saying that... An i5 8400 with it's 6 CPU cores is still going to be capable for years to come, if you feel you wish to waste your money and scrap that entire rig in a couple of years... Well. It's your money to waste I guess.

goopy20 said:

To be more specific it will change from a measly 660GTX that is required nowadays to a 2070 or 2080GTX. This is not my opinion, it's a scientific fact confirmed by Permelite who says its officially been announced that the next gen consoles will have a AMD Navi gpu (not nvidia), which performance wise, sits somewhere between a 2070 and 2080RTX. 

1) Not a scientific fact. - Facts are backed by evidence. You have provided none.
2) The name is Pemalite. Not Permelite.
3) We have no idea of how the semi-custom Navi GPU in next gen is going to perform.

goopy20 said:

Somehow I seem to offend people when I say this, but who doesn't want to see games take a graphical leap that require more powerful hardware.

You aren't offending anyone, that's a false illusion on your behalf. You are asserting something as factual without actually having the facts or evidence to present, that is the issue.

goopy20 said:

The only reason I replied to this thread in the first place is because the OP was asking which horror games to recommended that take full advantage of his 1080TI.

They do exist. The PC doesn't top out at 4k, 60fps. Start looking at triple-display and 120fps for the absolute best in gaming immersion outside of VR and a 1080Ti starts to become a limiting component rather quickly.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--