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Alright, I'm going to go on point in saying he's just trolling us at this point.

3 of us have presented multiple facts and core evidence to the table, vs just his opinion, while also having all evidence practically table flipped. The discussion has stopped becoming rational and just shows one user has confirmation bias.

Also, guy doesn't even know that next gen systems are signed with AMD, not Nvidia, and AMD has yet to reveal a true high end GPU that goes toe to toe with Nvidia's latest offerings.

One guy using complete rumours and very, very little know how of PC hw vs a guy who practically knows a metric ton of PC hw data, somehow being proven "wrong" is just laughable at this point. It's not a discussion, it's one console gamer who doesn't like to admit he fucked up, and doesn't want to admit that he doesn't have the hottest system on the planet.

PC has it's amazing games, great looking ones, and ones that perform or do much more than other systems can.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"