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Ganoncrotch said:
There's talk here above of PC hardware and people gaming on 6770's etc but like.... is there really people who would be using a card like that today?

Yes. In-fact low-end gaming is actually a thing where people will attempt to get modern games running on the oldest hardware possible...
Oldblivion for example made it so that Oblivion (Which required a Radeon 9000/Geforce FX/5 as a minimum) to run on even a Geforce 3 by reverse engineering the pixel shaders.
Shader Shock was another attempt that went down a similar path that enabled Bioshock to run on the Radeon 9000/Geforce FX.

Popular channels have even popped up that adhere to such a demographic.

But it's Steam statistics that really show it... For all the talk of RTX, it's actually integrated Graphics from Intel that hold the lions share of graphics chips in the marketplace today.

Ganoncrotch said:
you could get a card which was 450% the power of a 6770 in the 780TI

For the massive cost.... of £85

That 780TI coupled with a 50e Ryzen3 1200 would make a PC which would challenge the base current gen consoles a decent run for their money in game, if someone wants to get decent power on a budget it's very possible now in the PCscape.

When I say run for money btw... you can easily enough get Overwatch running over 120FPS on that 780TI@1080p which pisses on the PS4 performance in the same title, PC power is not costly now.

For sure. But for some people, they might already have a Radeon 6770 in their rig from back when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth and thus don't have any incling in upgrading... We are not suggesting that people should rush out and buy a Radeon 6770, far from it... That would be throwing money against the wall.

The point we are trying to convey is that you don't have to upgrade your hardware every 6 months (That some console gamers would like you to believe!) in order to run the latest games, hardware from half a decade or more ago will often be more than adequate for a good experience.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--