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goopy20 said:

I wouldn't exactly call that playable. Framerate is all over the place and it will go down to 10 fps on the more crowded scenes on a 6770. We can debate this all day but just answer me one simple question.

It's running Medium settings. On a Radeon 5770/6770. - Turn it down to low and... It would suddenly become playable? Amazing right?

goopy20 said:

Did or didn't pc games became a lot more demanding as soon as developers stopped supporting the ps3/360? That was a rhetorical question and we both know that a 5770 could run AC Black Flag, which was still a cross gen game, in ultra settings at 60fps. Pc gamers were outraged when the pc requirements were announced for AC Unity. Just look in the comments section of this article:

PC games did certainly take a leap once the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 was phased out... And GPU's like the Radeon 5870/6870/Geforce GTX 480 suddenly became the baseline... Why? Mostly because of geometry reasons, in saying that... GPU's like the venerable Radeon 4870 still managed to stick around for a long time.
I.E. A Radeon 4870 from 2008 is able to run games like GTA 5, Overwatch, Fortnite and so on.

goopy20 said:

Or look at what happened when Batman Arkham Knight came out and people could barely run it on a 960 GTX, let alone a 660 or lower:

It gets worse - Batman: Arkham Knight on PC lacks console visual features

Performance is poor and specific graphical effects are missing too.

4k/60fps is achievable still.

In short it's a shit port, I could point to dozens and dozens of console ports that come up short against the PC variant, shall I list those?

However, you can run the game on similar hardware to that of a PS4 just fine, especially with later patches and drivers:

goopy20 said:

Look, I'm not ignoring facts, nor am I stating them. But I will give you a prediction and you tell me if it sounds about right.

Nope. You have definitely ignored facts and evidence, even made statements that contradict your prior statements.

goopy20 said:
  • 2020 - the ps5 and 3*** GTX come out.
  • 2021 - developers will move away from ps4/ Xbox 
  • Minimum pc requirements in 2021 for all major multiplatform games will be a 2080RTX. 
  • 3080RTX required to play multiplatform games in native 4k    
  • You can still play some of those games on a 1060GTX as long as you turn graphics and resolution down, effectively making them look like ps4 ports in the process. 
  • 2023 - The 4*** GTX gets released and for a measly $2000, you have full bragging rights that you can play all console games at 120fps, native 4k and full Nvidia Hairworks enabled.
  • 2027 - ps6 comes out and the cycle start again
  • 2028 - Starship Citizen gets an official release and ends up on ps6 as well.

Hahaha. No.

Chazore said:

Jesus, Kerotan stated this about Star Citizen as well as moving posts. Seriously hope he hasn't wormed his way back onto the site, via an ancient old account. 

Actually starting to think he is trolling at this point. :/

goopy20 said:

Look I am only making a prediction here and we have to wait how much is going to play out. However, it is based on scientific factual evidence.

No. It's not based on anything, only your opinion, you haven't provided a single shred of scientific, factual evidence.
If you think you have, you need to research your claims a little more thoroughly as I have thoroughly debunked most of them.

goopy20 said:

First off, it didn't take 4 years before developers ditched ps3/ 360. The ps4 came out in november 2013 and exactly a year later games like AC Unity came out that weren't released on last gen anymore. 

2015 is when the Xbox 360/Playstation 3 were still getting big AAA releases like Call of Duty, Xenoverse and so on.
Whilst the PS3 was getting titles like Persona 5 in 2017.

goopy20 said:

Also, isn't it confirmed that the ps5/ Scarlett will have a Navi GPU that sits somewhere between a 2070 and 2080RTX?  

We have absolutely no idea about the performance of next-gen GPU's, only what the architecture and some of it's features will consist of.
It will be based on Navi's RDNA architecture, but customized to include RDNA2 Ray Tracing cores.

The performance of those GPU's are still an unknown and it would be wise not to assert something as fact until we actually have empirical evidence.

goopy20 said:

And you're right, maybe Batman was a shoddy port. But isn't it weird how pc gamers were all blaming developers for sucky programming for most games released during that period? 

Most games were fine, you just picked a rare title that performs like ass to reinforce your confirmation bias.

goopy20 said:

Could be a case of mass bad programming, or it could be a case of developers spending years making games that were designed from the ground up to run on ps4 spec hardware and pc gamers were an after thought. I mean, they simply didn't care aif pc gamers couldn't play their game because they didn't have a GPU with 4 gig of vram, a 4 core cpu and at least a 6600GTX. They didn't care because they knew console gaming is where 98% of their sales would be coming from.     

Or not. Nice conspiracy theory though.
I have already proven that the PC is a bigger market than console, stop ignoring evidence.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Without kidding, trying to tell somebody that his expectation is impossibly high and that he either doesn't understand or simply doesn't factor the economics of consoles and PCs. 2080Ti being mandatory in 2021 games? Certainly not!

I fully expect my old Radeon RX 580 to be still gaming in 2021 to be honest... Just like my old Radeon 6950 is capable of gaming in 2019.
I don't expect 4k, 60fps and Ultra settings that beats the pants off consoles though, but you can run those old titles on such hardware if you keep your expectations on visual settings in check.
There are actually groups

If the dozens of games running on old, antiquated hardware isn't enough to change his opinion on that though, then nothing will. Clearly he won't change his mind when new evidence is presented.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--