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Huxley if it ever comes out...It's been announced for YEARS it seems.

Too Human has hype going for it, and I don't expect it to do above a 85% on Gamerankings.

Dead Island = Call of Juarez. Same people, same quality.

Velvet Assassin looks good, but is more of the typical X360 drivel..We already have Splinter Cell: Conviction, and it doesn't have the cliche' WW2 crap to it.

My picks for exclusives that are going to own (outside of the typically mentioned ones such as TH, F2, GOW2, and the like):

Champions Online (City of Heroes on X360? Yes please!)
Dungeon Hero (if it can manage 4p+ online/offline co-op, it'll be a blast)
Kingdom Under Fire 2 (best of list)
Magna Carta 2 (if we ever hear anything about it)
Salvation (3rd person sci-fi action/stealth game with RPG elements. If done properly, it could be awesome..Or suck. We'll see)
Supreme Commander (great PC RTS. If the port works properly for the 360, could be yet another great RTS feather in the 360 hat)
White Gold: War in Paradise (free roaming FPS/RPG, based off of Boiling Point? Could be very good)

Those are the ones I picked out that could be very good ones. This list isn't mentioning sure-fire hit with little hype Sacred 2, which I am most likely going to buy (and should get very good reviews, too).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.