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Cliff's comments are very rude at best and this really shows the mind set of someone who is unprofessional, competitive, imature, and narrow minded. Metal Gears heavily story driven experience is very different than anything before it (other than say xenosaga) so saying it's on it's way out makes this even more rude. Why attack someone elses creation. Especially for something as critically acclaimed as MG4.

As for how interactive these scenes feel, depends on whether you like the story telling or not. For me, I think the cut sceens in Metal Gear are a bit too long because I'm not that impressed by the story (beautify but pretty corny imo). But for someone who loves the story, they will become more invested in the game and gameplay experiences due to watching them.

But at least Kojima is trying to advance the story telling component of the medium. Cliffs game had no story to speak of (inarticulate, testosterone filled monkey men with two word lines is not a story Cliff). IMO Gears could have used some more of that non-interactive stuff that's on the way out (so we actually care about the characters).

If I ran Epic I'd take him and Mark Rein out back and have a little talk with them about professional conduct. Either that or they shouldn't let these guys talk to the press at all.