Just finished the game on Hard - Blue Lions route. Final level was somewhat tricky to keep everyone alive, though once I took out the hordes of enemies the final boss was pretty easy to gang up on.
Overall, I loved the game though. Didn't quite break into my top 3 FE games (Path of Radiance, Blazing Blade, and Radiant Dawn), but the story was very good overall and it probably had the best character-writing in the series.
On the flip-side, and maybe its just that the game expects you to play all the routes, but I feel like a lot of key plot points were forgotten in Blue Lions.
Still...despite all this, I'm looking forward to playing more. Will likely do Edelgard's route yet...looking forward to it!
NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334