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Everyone seems to have a different opinion on MGS4; it's very polarizing, and for once, not due to gratuitous violence, gore or controversy that typically accompanies headline grabbing games.

When people have extreme opinions on something, and in many cases on something they haven't even experienced firsthand (not the most valid opinion), then Mission Success. Everyone feels entitled to their opinion because everyone feels they need to have an opinion since they deem it important enough to the gaming industry.

As for those who have a positive opinion of MGS4, there is a huge discrepancy regarding which Act(s) players enjoyed most and liked the least which is very interesting.

Personally, Act 1 sucked me right into the story and play mechanics, instantly hooking me.

Act 2 threw a curve ball by completely changing the stage (I thought most of the game was going to take place in the Middle East).

Act 3 changed gears completely once again with a little cloak and dagger action (that slowed things down uncomfortably to me in a frustrating manner).

Act 4 was all about nostalgia for those who played MGS1, again, completely changing the stage.

And 5 was a fitting end to the story, but was mostly story with minimal game play. At that point, the game did become an interactive movie with a very long epilogue to tie up all loose ends for about 20 years worth of storytelling.

After taking in the story, the fun really comes from mixing up how you play the game as much as the game itself changes things around from act to act, and in some cases, even within individual acts.