super_etecoon said:
HylianSwordsman said: I have several cats, but the most special one to me over the past 15 years was named Nelly. I raised her from a kitten. She had a sassy side, but was one of the most affectionate cats I'd ever known, so sweet. Also so silly. I don't think I've ever met a sillier cat. We think she might have had some kind of neurological issue that made her so silly, because she was the least coordinated cat you ever met. We joked that her body naturally produced alcohol in her blood, making her permanently drunk. She would crash headlong into walls, would jump up the stairs like a crazed rabbit, fall off of things, it was adorable. She was a beautiful all black cat, though she'd begun to get a few gray hairs as she aged, I didn't know cat hair did that. She could be so talkative, with a sweet little voice that never got annoying. I loved her so much.
She died today, and I really don't know how to process it. She fell asleep under my mom's tire, and my mom didn't see her, just felt a bump. I had to go to work, so I couldn't ever take a moment to process what was happening. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, she's already been buried while I'm at work. I just wish I could hold her again, she was such a good girl. I love you Nelly. |
I am so sorry. :( My cat, Squirrel, just turned 15 this year and if something happened to her like that I would be devastated. Thanks for sharing her memory with us.
Thank you. I wanted to share the memory somewhere, don't have a lot of friends in real life to reach out to so I'm glad you guys were here to listen. I wish Squirrel a long, happy life with you, and that when her time comes it's peaceful and on you and your family's terms and not the cruel whims of the universe.