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sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:

A) "It is not dismissing that biology plays some role in various aspects"

according to the quote this is in response to if I was a man I could at this moment in time choose to identify as a woman with my penis, my full beard, etc etc etc

since " it is hypocritical for any self-identified feminist to use “biology” and “body parts” arguments in their attempts to dismiss trans women"

do you agree with that? if not how am I wrong?

B) "As such, any assertion by society or even a doctor is typically unable to see the full picture of an individual's biology to make their conclusion."

so therefore the only option left is for the person to identify themself as what they are(man, woman, sheep, ox, lion, etc etc etc), regardless of biology since biology is societies way of classifying things?

do you agree with that? if not how am I wrong?

C) another quote I want your opinion on is this one

""No, Trans Women Are NOT ‘Biologically Male""

D) "I have already defined maleness+femaleness for you"

look stop bringing this into this conversation, it has nothing to do with what is being discussed here, the relevant terms here are gender and presumably sex

E) "That said, your assumption was ridiculously dumb and unnecessary."

well I'm letting go of all of my presumptions when it comes to this topic to understand your perspective, so I let you have free reign with what things mean so i can see where you are going with your reasoning

"I think I've told you this before, but you are awful at making assumptions. "

as I've repeated just now, you brought these terms that have nothing to do with the topic at hand into discussion about gender so naturally it seemed like you were substituting them in for gender

" I am worried about you."

I should be worried about you, but all that's left is apathy and a deep deep curiosity

A) The goalposts seem to be moving. The quote is not dismissing the role of biology but instead contextualizing it, and as such, your initial assertion is incorrect.

B) The goalposts seem to be moving. The quote is not dismissing the role of biology but instead elaborating on it, and as such, your initial assertion is incorrect. 

C) Basically the same as "B"

D) No. Maleness and femaleness are fundamental to this discussion. Don't blame me that you can't keep your head on straight when you have to deal with more than two words at a time.

E) Yes, and what better way to "Let go of presumptions" than to ignore most of what I say and make ridiculous assumptions. 10/10 from the German judge.

"The quote is not dismissing the role of biology but instead contextualizing it"

yeah I wasn't really expecting an honest answer

let me ask you a direct question instead 

lets say I'm a man right now with a massive 10 inch penis, a full beard, rippling muscular body etc etc etc in your opinion do i become a woman by identifying as one now?

if you truly believed the quote was valid, you would just say yes, i'd chuckle for a bit and the argument would be done, but for some reason even you can't take that step that far into the dark

"The quote is not dismissing the role of biology but instead elaborating on it"

ok so again let me expand since the expected dodging is occurring again

the author of the quote is dismissing all other means of identification beyond the person themself, do you at least agree on that?

"Basically the same as "B""

of course, I wasn't really expecting you to address this

"Maleness and femaleness are fundamental to this discussion."

" it is hypocritical for any self-identified feminist to use “biology” and “body parts” arguments in their attempts to dismiss trans women"

"As such, any assertion by society or even a doctor is typically unable to see the full picture of an individual's biology to make their conclusion."

yeah well those quotes say otherwise and yet you agree with them so...

"Yes, and what better way to "Let go of presumptions" than to ignore most of what I say and make ridiculous assumptions."

of course, because direct quotes are "assumptions"

and me be clear about something here, I do understand the counterpoint that sex is on a spectrum and therefore everything is so messy that classifications cannot be made... people here seem to have the idea that because there's disagreement on this topic that this must necessarily entail a lack of understanding but that's fallacious reasoning