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sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:

"Gender is not behavior and presentation. Gender is the social aspects of maleness/femaleness."

what are you defining maleness and femaleness as in this context, if not as behavior and presentation?

"Both sex and gender work together to create behavior and presentation."

haven't you said previously that sex and gender are separate?

so are you throwing away the idea that a man who identifies as a woman is a woman?

"As such, the two concepts are separate but they work together."


well that's a new one, before you were simply saying that they were separate

"Once you actually understand it"

pretty hard to giving how everything is constantly in flux

"Its basically just saying "Nature and Nurture work together""

but come on be honest man that's not the message here, as I've said the major focus of this ideology is "identity" and a dismissal of the role sex plays

"Behavior and presentation" are certainly important components of maleness and femaleness, but remember, we are talking about both the biological and the societal aspects of maleness and femaleness. Neither gender nor sex is all encompassing. It is the sum of the two which produce the full picture of maleness and femaleness.

And yes, gender and sex can be both separate and still work together. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive so I'm not exactly sure where this disbelief is stemming from.

Let me step back and provide an example that is a little less politicized: Food. Everybody loves food, but the food we each like is determined by several different factors. There are biological factors such as taste buds and genetics, for example, to some people cilantro tastes like soap because of their genetics, which affects their taste in food ( ). However, there are also cultural factors. Different parts of the world considered different foods to be delicacies while others wouldn't eat those same dishes if you paid them too, because of what our society has defined to be normal and good food. You would not say that taste buds and cultural diet differences are the same thing, but you would say they work together to create an individual's taste in food.

This isn't unlike the difference between sex and gender. They are two distinct concepts, however, they do work together to produce the full view of maleness and femaleness. There is nothing in flux here, this is and has all been consistent.

As for whether a transgendered woman is a woman, lets make sure you understand the basic addition first before we move into algebra.

Note: I would like to quickly say that we are mostly talking about overall concepts of maleness and femaleness here, not the application onto the individual. One step at a time.

" Neither gender nor sex is all encompassing. It is the sum of the two which produce the full picture of maleness and femaleness."

so i'm going to ask this again but again I expect you to just ignore this question

does this mean therefore that you do not agree with the position that a man becomes a woman once he identifies as one?

"I'm not exactly sure where this disbelief is stemming from."

well because you've made the argument previously that they are not connected and now you've completely flipped on that position

"This isn't unlike the difference between sex and gender. They are two distinct concepts, however, they do work together to produce the full view of maleness and femaleness."

can you provide an example of how sex and gender work together to produce femaleness?

btw did you not say previously that sex is too complicated to be used for distinguishing between men and women?

"As for whether a transgendered woman is a woman, lets make sure you understand the basic addition first"

look, I've understood the concept long before I started talking to you, it just doesn't make sense and you're actually helping to show that

but as I've said I am completely open to being wrong

Last edited by o_O.Q - on 30 August 2019