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That example is way off the mark. People eat the food in their region, things become a delicacy because they are rare or expensive. It has nothing to do with taste buds. Peoples diets are a product of what foods they have access too plain and simple. Take the food away and replace it with different food from another region and they will generally not like it at first but will learn to enjoy it over time since its all they have. 

The difference here is you are either born a man or a woman, in some cases you are born with both genitalia because of a mutation during development. Some men will be more feminine in nature due to different hormone levels etc. that doesnt make them a women. In order to reproduce which is what is required for a species to survive and evolve it will always require a male and a female which is why people are born either or. If you require synthetic hormones to change what you were born, it doesnt mean that you are now the opposite of what you were. What it does mean is that you have some serious mental issues and want to change into something you are not. Unfortunately we have the ability surgically to alter a lot of this and provide hormones to assist as well.  

The dangerous part here is the perversion of these people trying to mold kids into their sickness, I.E. only provide the food they want them to like and make them believe that even though they were born a boy they can somehow become a girl. Kids are very impressionable.