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sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:

I think the silliness arises when people say that sex(biology) and gender(behavior,presentation) are separate, its such a silly thing to say that I sometimes wonder if certain aspects of this ideology are just an elaborate troll, but the punchline never comes and it gets crazier and crazier

You have misunderstood again. Gender is not behavior and presentation. Gender is the social aspects of maleness/femaleness.

Both sex and gender work together to create behavior and presentation. As such, the two concepts are separate but they work together.

This only seems "crazy" because you don't really understand it (evidence by how often you misunderstand or misstate things). Once you actually understand it, you realize how there is absolutely nothing radical or controversial about these concepts. Its basically just saying "Nature and Nurture work together" which has been the basis of psychology for decades.

"Gender is not behavior and presentation. Gender is the social aspects of maleness/femaleness."

what are you defining maleness and femaleness as in this context, if not as behavior and presentation?

"Both sex and gender work together to create behavior and presentation."

haven't you said previously that sex and gender are separate?

so are you throwing away the idea that a man who identifies as a woman is a woman?

"As such, the two concepts are separate but they work together."

well that's a new one, before you were simply saying that they were separate

"Once you actually understand it"

pretty hard to giving how everything is constantly in flux

"Its basically just saying "Nature and Nurture work together""

but come on be honest man that's not the message here, as I've said the major focus of this ideology is "identity" and a dismissal of the role sex plays