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sundin13 said:

Real quick, I want to address the question: If they are white supremacists or white nationalists (or whatever you wish to call them), why are they allied with an Asian man?

I'd say the primary reason is simply "The ends justify the means". If an Asian man helps you achieve your goals, he is an ally right until the point where he isn't. Often, diversity strengthens a voice. It gives them a surface level defense against criticism and to some degree, we see an effect similar to what you see in the "Why I Left the Left" type posts. If you can get a Muslim (or ex-Muslim) to say "Yeah, Muslims are fucked up" than all of the sudden you have a useful weapon to further your anti-Muslim agenda. If you can get a minority to embrace your White Supremacist talking points, you now have a powerful weapon. The demographics of some sparse allies aren't really what is important. What is important is what these individuals are saying and how that contributes to the overall message.

Further, these far right groups don't really have one large shared ideology. There are a lot of smaller beliefs buried within there. Some advocate specifically for a white ethnostate, others speak about the preservation of "Western Culture", others are just anti-immigrant, or anti-certain demographic groups (Middle Eastern, African, Hispanic, etc). Many of these groups have moved away from simply "We hate non-whites" and taken up more PR friendly positions. One of the interesting things about how the internet has changed white supremacy is it has become much more PC (ironically). It has centered much more around putting sugar on racism to make it look less like racism, while still being totally racism to catch those who are just flirting with racism so they can court them on their terms. A lot of this involves convincing people that it isn't about racism. It is about saying "I'm totally not against Muslims or people from the Middle East, I am just against extremists" publicly, but as soon as you are in private, the rhetoric turns into "Fuck all Muslims".

Overall, there are a lot of reasons why White Supremacist and generally far right groups would ally with an Asian man, and a lot of them involve getting you to ask the question "If they are really white supremacists, why are they allied with an Asian man?" so I'm sure they are real happy that question is being asked.

"If an Asian man helps you achieve your goals, he is an ally right until the point where he isn't."

so you think these people may have eventually attacked or killed andy ngo if  he tried to stop their nefarious white supremacist activities?

what about the black guys that were there btw?

what exactly does this group in particular do though? they are white supremacists right? so do we have any information on their activities? their goals? anything like that?

"Often, diversity strengthens a voice."

yes diversity is our strength

"If you can get a minority to embrace your White Supremacist talking points"

can you list some of these talking points espoused by this group in particular?

"There are a lot of smaller beliefs buried within there. Some advocate specifically for a white ethnostate, others speak about the preservation of "Western Culture", others are just anti-immigrant, or anti-certain demographic groups (Middle Eastern, African, Hispanic, etc). "

can you specify the beliefs of this group in particular?

wait wait hang on hang on, wanting to preserve western culture makes you a white supremacist?

" It is about saying "I'm totally not against Muslims or people from the Middle East, I am just against extremists" publicly"

what are your views on atheists who criticise islam like lets say sam harris, for example?

"so I'm sure they are real happy that question is being asked."

of course, white supremacists are crafty little buggers