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Part two of the Tuesday news:

Subnautica dev to G2A: 'You now owe us $300,000'
In mid-July, key reseller G2A proposed the creation of a "key-blocking tool" that developers could use to provide the site with lists of keys that they don't want being sold through its platform. Keys distributed for reviews, for instance, could be entered into the tool so that if anyone ever tried to sell one, it would be blocked. But this being G2A, there was a catch: It would only make the tool if at least 100 developers signed up for it prior to August 15.
The response has been tepid, to say the least. In an update posted today, G2A said that only 19 developers have signed up so far.

Minecraft's Super Duper Graphics Pack canceled for being 'too technically demanding'
The planned graphical update for Minecraft, the Super Duper Graphics Pack, has been canceled, says an announcement from Mojang. Originally announced during E3 2017, the Super Duper pack has been in the works for a while but it seems Mojang wasn't happy with how it performed across different devices.

Cyberpunk tabletop creator will cameo in Cyberpunk 2077
In an interview with the Official Xbox Magazine, Mike Pondsmith, creator of the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop game, confirms that he's recorded for a role in the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 based on his RPG.

Former id Software boss Tim Willits joins Saber Interactive
Tim Willits announced in July that after nearly a quarter-century at id Software, he was moving on to something else. Today, he revealed what that something else is: Willits is the new chief creative officer at Saber Interactive, the developer of World War Z, NBA 2K Playgrounds, and the upcoming Ghostbusters remaster.

Fortnite's new mode is like prop hunt meets red light, green light
Fortnite's newest LTM, Junkyard Juke, is arguably one of its most fun in months, and it's coming straight from the Fortnite Creative World Cup.
The whole mode pits four teams against one another. One team takes a turn transforming themselves into props of varying sizes and trying to sneak their way into an incinerator at the center of the map. The other teams will stand atop a tower trying to shoot those mysterious gnomes, trash bins, and water heaters. All the while, the shooting team periodically has their sight blocked by a giant black screen, and the props on the ground can see a literal red light and green light indicating when they're safe to move.

Borderlands 3 will not be preloadable
It's common practice for digital storefronts like Steam to provide a "preload" period ahead of a game's release, so that the moment it goes live, hot-to-trot fans can dive face-first into it immediately rather than having to wait for it to download. (It also helps keep those hot-to-trot fans from demolishing servers as they all try to download it at precisely the same moment.) For the upcoming Borderlands 3, however, that's not going to be an option.

Fight Crab is a game about giant crabs fighting, and it features chainsaws
When a game is called Fight Crab, you have to sit the hell up and pay attention. And hopefully that's what you're doing right now, because this game, called Fight Crab, which features crabs (giant ones, and enemies to each other), crabs that fight each other, is now available on in Early Access.

Vampire: The Masquerade—Coteries of New York detailed
Bloodlines 2 is currently scheduled for April next year, but if you can't wait that long for something to sink your fangs into there's another officially licensed game based on White Wolf's tabletop RPG coming this year. Vampire: The Masquerade—Coteries of New York is being made by indie studio Draw Distance, who recently released some more info about what kind of game to expect.

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville trailer leaks
Rumors of a follow-up to the Garden Warfare series called Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville have been cropping up recently, and seem to have been confirmed by a European trademark filing for the name. Now a trailer has leaked, and while it's obviously not final—a couple of scenes are still sketches and the words TEMP GAME FOOTAGE appear over the action—it's a clearer look at what we can expect.

Quantic Dream is 'not exclusive to any platform anymore'
After a long stint on PlayStation, Quantic Dreams' weird thrillers have recently made their way over to PC. Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls are available on the Epic Games Store now, and in an interview with DualShockers, Quantic Dream's David Cage confirmed that this is how the studio means to continue, no longer tied to a single platform.
>> Yeah, from now on they'll be tied to two different platforms. Freedom!

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.