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So, I tried, I genuinely tried, but I couldn't find any news articles not on Fox that blame video games for mass shootings. So it's not the media doing this, it's Republicans and their propaganda arm. The closest I found to blaming video games was certain outlets claiming a connection between violence and Gamergate. In fact, the vast majority of articles on the recent shootings and their connections to video games were fact-checking articles that criticize Republicans for their stupid attempt to connect the two without evidence. In fact, several of them are also fact-checking the idea that mental health is connected (in the vast majority of cases, it isn't). You have to go pretty deep into Google results before you even find one article that tries to "both sides" the subject. Even the Fox News website has backtracked and stopped talking about it. It's just the Republicans and Fox New's cable TV news end that's spouting this bullshit. Don't trust these people. They'll come for your video games the moment they make an easy scapegoat under political pressure.