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Tuesday news, part two:

Hotline Miami teaser promises trailer soon (updated)
A new Twitter account referencing Hotline Miami's original protagonist popped up over the weekend, posting a single video. It's a short, slick and appropriately gory teaser of a fight frozen in time that perfectly matches the series' tone and aesthetic, even though it appears to be live action. It ends with the promise of a trailer coming soon.
Update: The Twitter account and teaser are not official. Hotline Miami developer Dennaton confirmed that no sequel was in development, unfortunately. It's still a neat teaser and the full trailer should be worth keeping an eye out for.

Be your own Bob Ross with this glorious 3D landscape painting tool
Need an escape from... everything? Yeah, me too. So I was happy to discover Flowscape on this morning (via this Reddit post). You can use it to generate a 3D landmass, then select a brush to paint trees, rocks, hills, bushes, flowers, and wildlife—even birds and insects—simply by moving your mouse across the screen. It's like being Bob Ross, only in 3D and you don't need any actual painting skills. Thank god.

Report suggests VR developers are shifting attention from HTC Vive to Oculus Rift
It's a close split, but VR developers are apparently now spending more time and energy developing projects for the Oculus Rift than they are for the HTC Vive, according to a new report. The authors says this trend represents a "shift in platform preference."
>> This comes from the fourth annual AR/VR Innovation Report.

Master Chief Collection update shows off ultrawide support and some goofy bugs
343 Industries admits its July development update for the Master Chief Collection doesn't deliver much new information. But we do get a visual on ultrawide monitor resolutions, and better yet, a silly roundup of bugs that 343 says won't make it to launch day.

Epic addresses Ooblets outrage with statement on 'misinformation and abuse'
Ooblets developers Rebecca Cordingley and Ben Wasser announced last week that their long-awaited farm life sim Ooblets will be an Epic Games Store exclusive at launch. The message, written by Wasser, was lighthearted and unapologetic: He said that threatening to pirate games because they don't appear on a particular storefront is the epitome of "immature, toxic gamers," and that while getting mad is "cathartic," people should remember that "this is all low-stakes video game stuff we’re dealing with here" and it's "nothing to get worked up about."

Watch 14 uninterrupted minutes of Borderlands 3
Thanks to IGN, here's 14 straight minutes of the opening of Borderlands 3. Admittedly, five and a half minutes of that are Claptrap talking through the tutorial, so haters will want to skip to 5.31 to get straight to the action.

'Buddy boost' feature cut from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare almost had a feature called "buddy boost". As Prima Games explain, it would have allowed players to cooperate to reach higher ground, one player going into a squat and the other clambering over them to attain a better position.

Wasteland 3's alpha launches this month, followed by Early Access
Wasteland 3, inXile's post-apocalyptic RPG, will soon hit a big milestone. Fig backers will soon be able to duke it out in chilly Colorado for the first time through the alpha, which will be available on Steam later this month.

Stumble through the dark in free exploration game Reaching
With the exception of Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls, games don't generally do dark well. The night sky isn't blue, Ubisoft: it's black, and you can barely see a few feet ahead, or just slightly further with the aid of a torch. Reaching, however, is a game about exploring in the dark, in the actual dark. A game about stumbling from one infrequent light source to another, and trying to memorise the geography of a cavernous ruin.

Vermintide 2: Winds of Magic gets a gory gameplay trailer
Vermintide 2's first expansion, Winds of Magic, is set to unleash the stampeding beastmen into Fatshark's first-person mix of magic and melee. It's becoming a veritable menagerie. It's due out this month, so take a look at the first gameplay trailer above.

Fortnite 10.00 update brings back the Wild West
Fortnite's pesky rifts have claimed another victim: Neo Tilted. It's reverted back to an older state, even older than Tilted Towers. Tilted Town is an old Wild West settlement with its own set of rules to keep cowboys shooting.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.