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HappySqurriel said:
PooperScooper said:
HappySqurriel said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Imthelegend said:
Ouch. Expected and all but what can Sony do to improve the lack of PS3 sales. Don't think even a price cut would do a huge amount over the long term IMO.

300% increase in NA YOY, 200% increase in EU YOY

PS3 is the only console in history to have such increased sales even months after a price cut.



A $200 price reduction (potentially the biggest price reduction ever), the Blu-Ray format winning (and the PS3 being the least expensive and only fully compatible Blu-Ray player), and the release of two of the biggest games of the generation should be credited for that ... it wasn't just a price reduction.

I still laugh when people try to pull this one off.


You can argue semantics all you want but the main SKU of the PS3 went from being a $600 60GB PS3 with full backwards compatibility to being a $400 40GB PS3 with no backwards compatibility ... A $200 price difference between the products Sony was pushing.


80 gig went from 600 to 500

20 gig went from 500 to nothing

40 gig went from nothing to 400

60 gig went from 600 to 500 to nothing.

I see no 200 dollar cut there.

 40gig =/= 80gig sku