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Tuesday news, part two:

Hitman 2 cools off with Siberian prison Sniper Assassin map
Hitman 2 has a cure for this hot, hot summer: Agent 47 is going to Siberia. It's a new Sniper Assassin map set in a private prison. The trailer calls it the most inhospitable environment on Earth, but obviously IO Interactive wasn't in my flat last week, where even the air was on fire.

Rockstar North has received £42 million in tax relief, according to think tank
Rockstar North has received 19 percent of all tax credits paid to the games industry by the UK government and paid nothing in corporation tax for nearly a decade, according to a report from TaxWatch. The UK tax think tank estimates that the Grand Theft Auto developer has claimed around £42 million /$51 million over the last few years through the Video Games Tax Relief scheme.
>> It's shameful.

An audio file hidden in the Halo Infinite E3 trailer hints at Cortana's return
Remember the Halo Infinite trailer that appeared in June at E3, "Discover Hope?" (If not, that's it up above.) A guy stranded in deep space discovers the floating body of the big boy in green, pulls him into his ship, hits him with the interstellar defibrillator, and kapowie! He's back on his feet and ready for action. Which is a good thing, because there's trouble afoot.

Heroes of the Storm reveals new melee assassin, Qhira
Heroes of the Storm has revealed its newest original Hero (of the Storm), Qhira. Described as both a melee assassin and an Iresian bounty hunter, Qhira fights with a sword in one hand and a deadly Iresian chainblade (grappling hook) in the other. Her hook can be used to latch onto both terrain and enemies, making her a mobile double-threat.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was originally going to be about a completely different character
Elias Toufexis has performed a lot of roles over the years—here he is in a 2005 episode of the Canadian crime drama Da Vinci's Inquest—but one of his biggest has to be that of Adam Jensen, the lead character of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. His roughed-edged voice is a hallmark of the series: "I never asked for this" is one of the most famous videogame utterances to come along in years.

Cthulhu Saves Christmas sends ol' tentacle face on a quest to save Santa
Many years ago, Cthulhu saved the world. Sometime in the probably-not-too-distant future, the Sleeper of R'lyeh, the Great Dreamer, the High Priest of the Great Old Ones, will undertake an even more important and more meaningful task: Saving Christmas.

You'll probably lose the Battle of Winterfell in this tough browser game
If you stalwartly stuck with Game of Thrones until its finale a few months back, you'll know how the Battle of Winterfell ends. I don't. I read the books several years ago and refused to watch the show for reasons I can't explain so now I'm feeling quite left out.
But in Winter Falling, a short browser game very heavily based on Game of Thrones' finale, I can decide for myself how the battle goes. Or I would, if I were skilled enough to win on purpose. For now I'll claim that I meant to bring a fresh new perspective to the story by repeatedly losing in a total rout.

The Good Life, Swery's life sim RPG, is delayed until 2020
If you like cats, dogs, life and strange videogames, The Good Life is probably on your radar. The work of Deadly Premonition creator Swery, it was successfully Kickstarter-funded last year, promising "a Daily Life Simulator x SWERISM". Initially scheduled for a Q4 2019 release, Swery has taken to Kickstarter to announce that it will be delayed until spring 2020 (or autumn in Australia).

Johnny Silverhand is 'more relatable and complex' thanks to Keanu Reeves
In an interview with Xbox: The Official Magazine (thanks, WCCFTech), story director Marcin Blacha says that "When we thought of an actor for this role, we didn’t approach it on a ‘who’s the biggest celebrity now’ basis—the actor had to have a connection with the character."

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will give you a tank for your killstreak
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward's rebooted FPS, will be bringing back killstreaks, along with rewards for the most murderous players. The feature's return was teased on Twitter, and we got a first look at what players with lots of consecutive kills get to play with.

Street Fighter 5 is getting a free trial in August
Next month, Street Fighter 5 will temporarily shed its price, giving everyone the chance to play on Steam and PS4. This isn't the first time it's hosted free players, but this time you'll also get to play with all the Season 3 characters.

Borderlands 3 video introduces Zane, the semi-retired corporate hitman
Gearbox is kicking off its Borderlands 3 Vault Hunter profile series with Zane, a semi-retired corporate hitman. He's tricky, he's got lots of gadgets and he can create a digital clone that goes drinking with him. Watch the video above.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.