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Tuesday news, part two:

Beyond: Two Souls joins Heavy Rain on the Epic Games Store today
Beyond: Two Souls, Quantic Dream's peculiar psychological thriller, makes its debut on PC today. It joins Heavy Rain, while Detroit: Become Human is due to round out the collection later.

The next Overwatch hero is a literal mad scientist named Sigma
Blizzard has confirmed that the new Overwatch hero is an eccentric astrophysicist named Sigma, whose groundbreaking work promises to change the universe as we know it—maybe by blowing it up!

Wolfenstein: Youngblood aims to be 'lighter' than The New Colossus
Wolfenstein: The New Colossus had some brilliantly funny moments, but it went to some pretty dark places too, particularly in the flashbacks to BJ's childhood. The upcoming Wolfenstein: Youngblood, in which BJ's twin daughters go on a hunt for their missing father in Paris, apparently won't be quite such a heavy experience: Executive producer Jerk Gustafsson told VentureBeat that Machine Games' approach to telling stories hasn't changed, but the story it's telling in this game is very different from its predecessors.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is coming to PC a day early
Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the tale of two sisters on a journey of self-discovery and Nazi-killing in Paris, was slated to come out on July 26. For some reason, though, it's actually going to arrive a day sooner on PC.

Dragon Age 4 setting all but confirmed by upcoming short story collection
Ever since the ending of Dragon Age: Inquisition's final DLC, Trespasser, fans have been guessing which country the next game would take place in. In the final shot of Inquisition's closing storyline, the Inquisitor stabs a knife directly into the Tevinter Imperium on a map. Fans have of course speculated since then that Dragon Age 4 would head to the mage-ruled nation. An upcoming collection of short stories authored by several BioWare writers titled "Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights" lends a lot of extra credence to that theory.

Sea of Thieves updates: Latest patch notes
Sea of Thieves is expanding its horizons. The jumbo-sized free Anniversary update added Tall Tales quests and brand new PvP. Starting in July 2019, Sea of Thieves will receive monthly content updates that give players new reasons to climb aboard their ships and set sail with a tankard full of grog. The first update, Black Powder Stashes, adds the new "Voyage" mission type. Voyages, which appear to be highly repeatable quests, will be a centerpiece of future Sea of Thieves updates.

China's anti-addiction regulations put American game developers in an awkward moral situation
Despite being the largest market for PC games in the world, China's PC gaming scene is also the most heavily censored and regulated. Not only do game developers have to navigate a complicated bureaucracy to get approval to release games, they also have to ensure those games adhere to aggressive rules against violence and gore, spiritualism, and political messaging that isn't aligned with China's communist values.

Journey developer's newest game will be coming to PC
Thatgamecompany, developers of the beautiful and emotional sand surfing game Journey, released its latest game, Sky: Children of the Light last week for iOS. Unlike Journey, which was a PlayStation exclusive for years before we knew it would ever make it to PC, Sky is already confirmed to be coming our way. Eventually.

Activision teases Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's new Gunsmithing system
Activision is teasing a new weapon customization option in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare called Gunsmithing that will give players the ability to kit out their primary and secondary weapons for "the precise type and style of firepower you require for any type of multiplayer game mode." But what's potentially most interesting about Gunsmithing is that you'll be forced to prioritize what you really want to tweak, because you won't be able to do it all.

Free puzzler 10 People 10 Colors is basically Lemmings with a colour wheel
Lemmings makes a low-key comeback in the smart 10 People 10 Colors, a similarly side-on puzzle game where you have to shepherd a bunch of people to an exit door. As in DMA Design's classic series, the people move of their own accord, but you can cajole them towards the door by changing the background colour using a Paint Shop-style colour wheel.

GTA Online's Diamond Casino is open for business
GTA Online's Diamond Casino has opened its doors to the masses and their bank accounts. You can find the flashy building in Vinewood, where you'll be able to play poker, blackjack, and roulette. You can even bet on the horses.

Elsinore is a Shakespearean Groundhog Day
It must be frustrating to create something with a time-looping premise when everyone talking about it is immediately going to compare it to Bill Murray film. Anyway, Elsinore is Hamlet meets Groundhog Day. It looks very neat.

Tetris Effect is out on PC today
Tetris Effect takes one of the greatest games ever made and pumps it full of drugs and tunes, and today it's finally hopped over the fence and launched on PC. Like its PS4 counterpart, you'll be able to play with or without VR, but the PC version also comes with a few enhancements.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.