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Pemalite said:
Snoopy said:

I guess you missed the part where I do want to change America's health care system but to one of free enterprise instead of giving so much power to the federal government. Which is why it is so messed up in the first place.

Free enterprise already has substantial control over the American health system... Hence it's insane cost on the American taxpayer. - Plus aren't all your politicians paid for by various lobby groups like big pharma' anyway? Thus various "enterprises" already exert significant control over your system starting from the very top anyway, thus I am highly dubious that a change towards your 'model' is going to exert any significant cost reductions to the taxpayer.

Snoopy said:

Competition is what drives us. Also equal doesn't mean justice. If I steal someone's hard-earned money and give it to someone else to equal things out, that isn't justice. 

It is a false dichotomy to assert that your only options are either/or.

Australia leverages a mixed-system, thus capitalism and competition is what still drives it, you should really do your research... Because it's statements like that, which proves you don't really have an understanding of other healthcare models which are superior and cheaper.

Australia's model isn't ranked 2nd best in the world for shits and giggles you know. Do your research.

Taxation and redistribution via various schemes is also not stealing.

Snoopy said:

However, Australia is going through a lot of problems right now such as a much higher cost of living

Higher cost of living? Not really. The minimum wage starts higher remember, plus we have lots of free value-added services like healthcare.

Snoopy said:

your military is now a joke

Our Military is a joke? Well. We aren't a superpower, we aren't ever going to have super-power levels of military forces, nor have we pretended to have as such, but as a domestic middle power we punch above our weight in our geographical region... But we prefer diplomacy over shooting everything that moves.

Hence why we are a part of so many treaties.

Snoopy said:

your colleges are nowhere near as good as ours and your unemployment rate rising.

Our education system is different. - You are probably comparing our tertiary institutions against your colleges/universities.
But guess what? It hasn't held us back, we have less debt, we have a higher standard of living.

Unemployment goes through highs and lows... But you know, we didn't go through a recession and all that during the financial crisis, so I think we have a good handle on our own economic situation.

Snoopy said:

Also, bragging about welfare is just sad. Welfare is a temporary solution and should never be looked at as a good thing.

False. Welfare is a safety net the assists those who are in need... On a per-capita basis we actually spend less than the USA on welfare, but our system is far more efficient so we can extensively help more people.

A nation can always be judged on how well it treats the most vulnerable in society.

Free enterprise doesn't, that's why there is so much strict rules regarding who gets to practice medicine even for the basic things. Not to mention the government closed all competition for medicine.

No, Australia cost of living is extremely high. It was close to the top 10 expensive countries to live in. Also health care isn't free if you pay taxes no matter how you spin it.

Higher standard of living in what exactly? Paying a lot more for the same products?

False, welfare is a trap that leads people down the road of misery.