Ganoncrotch said:
median does indeed mean he exact middle number of games. this user probably meant the average, at a glance there is a total of around 4,420 games owned by the 167 members of this thread so.... average is 26.5 games per member, but always remember that's a very small sample size and it's based on the buying habbits of enthusiast gamers who go on a gaming forum. |
By my count, there are 4397 entries in the database, and 167 members. So the mean is just over 26 games per member. Though tsogud is going to bring that up when I update the count for July.
The median of the game count is actually 2 as about 550 out of 899 games are owned by only one or two people. The mode, consequently, is 1.
The median user owns 14 games.