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sieanr said:
windbane said:
IllegalPaladin said:

You can mention 60fps, you just have to be in small areas (like a small room or hut or something like that), have the camera looking at the wall your hugging, or have your solid eye set to IR mode.

Despite that, I don't even see the point of this thread other than some of the slap fights produced by it have been pretty funny.

MGS4 has a generally smooth frame rate and it will drop a little bit in large areas with combat, but it doesn't chug by any means. Now.... compare that to MGO and trying to play a round with 16 people on Gronzy Grad.... ugh....

I haven't seen any framerate problems in MGO, either. You sure it's not lag?

I'm pretty sure that its 30fps @ 720p.

Anyways the extensive use of motion blur in MGS4 goes a long way in making 27-30fps look a lot smoother than it really is.


27-30fps is just fine. The standard for movies is 24fps. Unless an object is moving across the screen extremely fast, I don't think you need 60fps. As omgwtfbbq said, it's an MGS game and therefore a slow stealth-based game and doesn't need a high fps. Low fps will hardly be noticable. Until you get to the few in-game cutscenes with Jack (still can't spell the R word, someone help me out here), he moves fast and the frame-rate kind of becomes noticable with him.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus