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Monday news, part two:

Theropods is a mute adventure game about dinosaurs and spacemen
Theropods' trailer got me all in a lather before I realised it only exists in the purgatory of Kickstarter at the moment, and now you're all going to have to suffer along with me. It looks neat! Maybe we'll see it one of these days.

Gears of War 5 cuts all references to smoking and tobacco
The upcoming Gears of Wars 5 will feature blood, guts, guns, explosions, guns, ugly aliens, scowling men and women, guns, gunfire, guns, guns with chainsaws, and guns. What it will not have, however, is tobacco products. Anti-smoking organization Truth Initiative approached ELeague about making Gears 5 smoke-free, according to a Variety report, which in turn worked with Microsoft and The Coalition to remove all references to smoking from the game.

Bungie explains the point of Destiny 2's new 'finishing moves'
One of the new things coming to Destiny 2 in the Shadowkeep expansion is finishing moves. Bungie revealed them last month, describing the fight-ending maneuvers as "This awesome flourish where he actually does like, spin in front of him, has two knives, and just hit, hit, pfffft!" Furthermore, "He jumps in the air, pulls back, looks at his fist, and bssssht!"
Okay, so that should give you a general idea of what they are, in an arms-waving, wild-eyed sort of way, but how do they actually work? Bungie went into a little more detail on that aspect of it with Polygon, telling the site that when enemies fall below a certain health level, an indicator will appear to show that they can be finished.

Gibbous is a Lovecraft horror-adventure in the style of a classic Disney film
We said last year that we're tired of Lovecraft. Sure, the man told some singularly horrific tales, but there's more to the genre than tentacles, the gaping maw of madness, and virulent racism. We want something different! Gibbous is kind of a compromise in that regard: It's a Cthulhu mythos-inspired tale of terror done in the style of an animated Disney film, complete with a talking cat.

Factorio devs take G2A up on its chargeback offer
Players of indie management and construction sim Factorio are kept up to date on the game's progress via regular blog updates every Friday, and while the latest of those noted a record low number of bug reports, it also went on to address recent developments in the G2A saga.

Watch Dogs Legion partners with HitRecord to commission new songs from fans
Ubisoft is teaming up again with HitRecord, the collaborative project facilitator founded by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, to commission 10 new songs to be used in Watch Dogs Legion.

The Division 2 creative director asks fans if they're interested in a single-player spin-off
The Division 2 creative director Julian Gerighty is curious how fans feel about one player's idea for a single-player spin-off in the Division universe. Tim Spencer, level director at TT Games (the Lego games folk) tweeted on Saturday about his ideal theoretical single-player Division that would focus on narrative and characters.

The RetroArch emulator platform is coming to Steam this month
Open source software developer Libretro is bringing its popular emulator platform RetroArch to Steam on July 30. It's not every day that emulating software appears Valve's platform, and RetroArch is easily the most prominent to make the leap.

Retro ninja platformer The Messenger gets free DLC levels
The Messenger is Sabotage Studio's 2D platformer in the vein of classics like Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden 2. And, if you've finished it already, it now has some free DLC accessible to anyone who has made it to the credits.

Gods & Monsters is an open-world RPG with stamina and resource management
Ubisoft's E3 2019 reveal trailer for Gods & Monsters was exciting and beautiful, but it didn't tell us much about the game. A month later, Ubisoft Quebec is ready to talk about it, and it kinda sounds like Assassin's Creed through the lens of Zelda.
>> That's not a bad mix, all things considered.

Dota Underlords adds free prototype battle pass with cosmetics
Valve is taking an interesting approach with Dota Underlords battle pass. In the lead up to Underlords' Season 1 Battle Pass, Valve is giving away a free prototype battle pass to everyone playing the beta.

DLSS support coming to Monster Hunter: World July 17
Monster Hunter: World looks pretty dang good on PC. So good, in fact, that it hasn't been able to run at 60fps in 4K with even the beefiest graphics card. For Nvidia RTX card users, this is changing when Monster Hunter: World adds DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling)">on July 17. Just in time for Monster Hunter: World Iceborne.

Thanks to feedback, Monster Hunter: World Iceborne's endgame will be harder
According to Capcom, Monster Hunter: World Iceborne's endgame will be harder than the base game, even if your hunter is appropriately upgraded.
Game Informer recently sat down with Monster Hunter devs to talk about difficulty in World and Iceborne. The devs say the decision to ramp things up in Iceborne wasn't a random decision, but a direct response to fans.

New video shows how PUBG's Anti-Cheat Unit counters hacks and exploits
PUBG has had a rough time dealing with cheaters since its release in 2017. Hacks and exploits are always changing, so it's near-impossible to patch up every vulnerability. But PUBG's Anti-Cheat Unit in South Korea is giving it their best shot, and their intensity is a little intimidating.

The Sims 4 will soon let you create a sim from a personality quiz
An upcoming update to the Sims 4 introduces a new way to simply create a sim with well-rounded traits called Create-a-Sim Stories. Instead of hand-picking a sim's traits, you can choose to take a 10-question personality quiz instead.

EVE Online isn't the only MMO enjoying an alien invasion: Realm of the Mad God is too
Remember Realm of the Mad God, the browser MMO that was all the rage back in 2012 or so? It's still chugging along on Steam, receiving regular updates. The latest is a doozy, promising a weeks-long alien invasion event.

Devotion developers don't plan to re-release their game in the 'near term'
Red Candle Games, the Taiwanese developer whose horror game Devotion was pulled from Steam after it drew ire over what Chinese players felt was a disrespectful reference to Chinese president Xi Jinping, has issued a statement saying they have agreed not to re-release their game in the near-term.

Meet Killsquad's fearless bounty hunters in these tutorial videos
Killsquad looked like a good time when I first noticed it last month, with its mix of vibrant sci-fi wasteland themes and action-RPG gameplay. It's launching on Steam in early access form tomorrow, and indie developer Novarama has put together a set of tutorial videos to introduce players to its four bounty hunters.

Fortnite Season 9 closes this weekend with (probably) a giant monster fight
Fortnite tends to end its seasons with a bang, and the finale to Season 9 is coming up this weekend. In past season finales we've seen a variety of world-altering cataclysms, and Season 9 looks like it's gearing up for a clash of titans.

Dota Underlords has a bunch of new heroes on the way
If you've played both Dota 2 and Dota Underlords, you've probably noticed that most of Dota 2's heroes haven't made their way into the autobattler yet. That's about to change, according to a recent datamine of the latest client update.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.