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NJ5 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The PS3s last hope in Japan is a Slim-line model. Look at the wonders it did for the PSP and DS in Japan.

Take note Sony. Slimline something, and the Japanese people will snatch it up.

Any idea if it works for consoles too? Did it boost the PS2 a lot? I'm not asking it rhetorically, I honestly never looked at the data from that perspective.

Any changes in hardware (even new colors) result in a temporary boost due to people buying the new versions and selling or giving away their used consoles, but what we're looking for is the possibility of a sustained boost. Nothing else matters, one-time boosts are irrelevant.

In any case, unless a Slimline PS3 came soon, by that time the Wii would already have cemented its position as THE current-gen console in Japan.


Japanese homes are tiny compared to American homes.  Small size is a big plus for the Wii, and something Sony should work hard to achieve if they're serious about their home market.