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I mean, its still going to sell well.The Switch is more than successful enough so that even if they make some missteps here and there, it wont stop its current sales momentum.But I dont get why they needed to make a handheld only Switch, with no docking, just to make it 100 dollars cheaper and risk mudding the message.I mean, at the end of the day(personally), you are offering less and the discount isnt worth it.No switching, which is the Switch biggest draw, no IR camera, no HD rumble, no joycons(so no second controller out of the gate), and locking yourself out of some games, like 1-2 Switch, Labo, Super Mario Party, World of Goo and many more.

And I mean, its not like the Switch is that much expensive.If you look hard enough, you could find a regular Switch, with one game, for probably 250.And that was last year.Imagine the potential discounts we would get this year.And if price was the problem, why not just lower it?Im fairly certain that the Switch dosent cost as much as it did when it launched, and while I dont think Nintendo could lower it to 200 dollars without losing money, I tryuly believe they could make it 250 dollars and bundled with a game, and still get a good profit out of every unit.Seeing how extremelly well the Switch has been selling, this price cut would make the sales soar.

And as I said, while I still believe the Lite will sell well, specially in Japan, I dont think it will be the runaway success Nintendo probably thinks it will be.Actually, I will be very interested to know the sales split betwenn the Switch and the Lite version this fall.

I just think this wasnt necessary, you know?Just drop the price, if you think it is too expewnsive for the casual crowd.I mean, the Pro is comming after all, now that the leak was confirmed.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.