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rocketpig said:
Microsoft isn't in it for image, they're in it for control of the living room... And future profits. Just like any other company, particularly your beloved Nintendo. After all, they are charging $250 for a slightly higher-specced GC. Is it worth it? That's up to you but stop pretending like they're looking out for your greater good. They just want your cold, hard cash just like any other company.

That's great you don't like shooters. Many don't and that's fine. But if you think Bungie walked into Halo with the idea "we're going to make a generic shooter funded by Microsoft", you should just shut the hell up right now because it's blatantly obvious that you know very little about the history of gaming.

/end rant

I swear to God, I don't know which group of fanboys is most annoying around here. I think it's a toss-up.

Oh, I know a lot about the history of gaming, as I am 27 now and have played video games for 20 years. I just happen to disapprove of war games. But I won't start arguing about that, I've long given up on that. Especially if my "opponent" is from the US, then it's completely futile.

Well, I know Nintendo is in it for the money as well... as is any manufacturer of anything, so that's a useless comment. After all, this is capitalism we're livin in, right?

As for the Wii: As I stated before, I didn't buy one so far, cause I'm still waiting for some games (Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario PAL, Mario Kart, Sam & Max). I don't mind if it's just a "higher-specced GC" - it's about the games. I'd have been happy with 5 more years of GameCube + some new games. No need for new specs for me, thanks; I'm too old for that. What if you'd been born 10 years earlier? Jeez, you'd be drooling about PS1 graphics right now. It doesn't matter. Great games don't depend on technology.

Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii)