Some interesting tidbits about Link's Awakening (NS) in an interview from Wccftech. Here's an excerpt:
What’s been added to this version of Link’s Awakening for those who are already really familiar with the game? Is there be some sort of second quest or remix mode?
One of the key things we’ve done, is we’ve taken a look at the original game, and tried to find ways to refine it. We looked at the menu system, because if you remember from the original, you do spend quite a bit of time in the menus. We’ve been able to reinvent the menu process, so you don’t spend nearly as much time in the menus. Another example is the map screen — now you can manage a lot more things, and put reminders in there. For example, if there’s a stone blocking a dungeon you can’t lift up yet, you can put a marker down there and come back when you’ve got some extra strength. The enemies are also more intelligent. In previous games, you could run past them and they wouldn’t react, but now they know that you’re there. So there are a lot of things that change how you play a little bit.